Posts tagged skincare
Earth-Friendly Brands to Shop This Earth Day & Always

Every day is Earth Day around here, but this day is a great opportunity for us to take a look at our consuming habits and see how they align with caring for our planet.

From our fashion decisions to the products we put on our skin, everything that we do has an impact on the Earth. Here are a few brands that are doing their part to sustainably produce products that help us reduce our footprint so that we can leave a better planet for the next generations without sacrificing quality.

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From Rosacea to Healing: How Self-Love Saved My Skin

As women, skincare is either a total obsession for us or a complete afterthought. For me, it was always the latter. I was fortunate enough to never experience any real issues with my skin for most of my life. Besides the blemish or two that I would get around my monthly cycle, my skin was always pretty clear and I never really appreciated how amazing (and lucky) that was until recently. About two years ago, I experienced one of the most traumatic times of my life. I was in a relationship that took a toll on my physical body, my mental health, and my emotional state. I’ll spare you the juicy details, but it wasn’t until I removed myself from this toxic situation that I had to face the impact and all of the crud started to surface — with it’s greatest toll manifesting on my skin.

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